
new link http://www.rockindomp3.blogspot....

Tonner Melanie Repainted: The French Lieutenant's Woman


An Attempt at Da Vinci, Rosetti and Botticelli

The Melanie Hamilton head sculpt is perhaps one of the most classic ones that Tonner came out with. Close to it would be the Carol Barrie doll. I had this doll long before and attempted to fix the bun. I was not successful at doing that as the doll hair is too thick to be handled...

Justin Doll @ Madame Tussaud's In NYC

Here are some pictures of Justin Bieber's doll at Madame Tussaud's in New York XDI rather kiss the real Biebs...xoxo, Erikasource:

Blue Parasol

I need to get back to blogging about my models. "Blue Parasol" was not on my "must have" list at first, until I started seeing pictures of her on the doll boards. It was then that I realized she would be a great Grace Kelly and Marilyn Monroe model for the movie costumes that I like...

Baby Justin

Here are some beautiful baby pictures of Justin Bieber :)Cute :)Awww!xoxo, Erikasource:

I Love Lace Part III

Here is the last of my lace collection (for now).Love this! She looks like a big present.J'adore!So Cute!I wish I could see the front of this gown. I think I need to go lace shopping. Next up "I love brocad...