
Tribute to Eric Caron's Amazing GWTW miniatures

Among the dearest friends I've found online who has shared his passion for GWTW and crafts is Eric Caron. Sorry Eric! Pardonne moi. I am taking the liberty so share with the rest of the world what you have shared with me. Herewith are fabulous, and amazing miniatures that Eric did when he was still in his younger years (note Eric, "younger years", which means I still consider you young). It is amazing how that at a young age his eye for proportion, symmetry, and scale are at a level that can be considered "expert". Yes Eric, you are an expert at it. Instinct in talent is a rare thing too. A look at these miniatures and you can see, aside from the symmetry, the tone and mood that captures Gone with the Wind. They capture the color of the dress as well as the shrubbery and greenery of Tara.

Take note of Scarlett's ruffled dress and the Tarleton Twins behind. The gown seems to even ruffle with the wind. Notice too, peeping from Tara's window, Scarlett's Mammy: "...why didn't you invite those gempmum for supper?"
Take note too of the green Twelve Oaks gown which captures the color and splashes of detail the dress had.
Amazing too is the simulation of Scarlett's hair and shape of ace.

All are my faves, but my best favorite (if there is ever such a line) is the Tara porch with Scarlett's shadow.
Aside from GWTW, Eric also creates miniatures from his favorite TV show, Little House on the Prarie (mine too!)
I wish you all the best in this endeavour Eric. And I wish that time would be gentle and lend us its hands to dabble into what we love even more than we expect. Similarly to Margaret Mitchell's line, I can only parallel your talent to Tara -- it's the only thing that lasts. Do take care of it my friend, Eric.

"Land is the only thing that matters. It's the only thing that lasts" - Gerald O' Hara (from GWTW by Margaret Mitchell


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