
First Commissioned Scarlett

A couple of months, it must have been way, way back (and I deeply apologize for it, I had been feeling sick since January and my hands were trembling too hard; disaster would follow if I indulged in a repaint),  a Prego member mentioned her desire to have a repainted Scarlett.

It was flattering, but since I am no professional I was having second thoughts about it. It is different when you're doing a craft for yourself and when it's being done for someone else. That's something called "pressure".  My brushes were all worn, the last of it was not as effective too. But the joy of a repainted Scarlett was and still is something I felt I needed to share. I wish that repaints were more affordable really.

So this first commission is a "practice" commission. My gracious client was willing to take the risk. She seemed really nice. So arrangements were made. She sent me a Scarlett and Melanie head (only), shipping was much, much cheaper. Here now is my first commissioned Scarlett doll.  She is a "Travelling with Mother to Savannah" doll; my client and I like the hairstyle on this version
I hope Cynthia will enjoy her. I hope I did justice to your doll. And sorry Cynthia, ailments got in the way. I am much better now.  Your doll will come to you on March 18, 2010 via FedEx.
Here is a picture from Cynthia with the doll head now on its body.  


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