

The following of the last photoshoot :)
La suite de la dernière séance photo :)

Lost Amnia, text #08


La nuit suivante, Ténébos fut ravi de constater que la blessure de Junaled avait totalement disparue. Il voulu la serrer fort dans ses bras mais elle fit un pas en arrière.

- Combien furent-elles ?
- Pardon ?
- La créature aux cheveux dorés qui m'a agressé, m'a dit que vous aviez déjà "hébergé" d'autres humaines, ici, par le passé. Combien furent-elles ?
- Je n'ai pas envie d'aborder ce sujet.

Il tendit la main comme pour lui caresser les cheveux.

- Combien ? insista-t-elle
- Je te l'ai dit, je n'ai pas envie d'en parler.
- Moi si !
- Serait ce de l'insolence ? demanda t il agacé.
- Cela me concerne, je veux savoir !
- Puisque tu n'es pas disposée à changer de conversation je vais profiter de compagnie plus agréable ailleurs cette nuit.

Junaled se précipita sur Ténébos qu'elle agrippa au bras appuyant de tout son corps pour le freiner.

- Que sont-elles devenues ?

Largement irrité par l'insistance de la jeune femme, il lui répondit avec sincérité, espérant que la réponse la calmerait aussi sec.

- Elles sont mortes !
- Comment ?

La seule réponse que June eu fut le dos du vampire qui tourna aussitôt les talons pour se diriger vers la porte. Elle le retena de toutes ses forces. Elle voulait savoir, cette fois pas question de se contenter de réponses vagues qui ne signifiaient rien.

- Tu veux le savoir ? Très bien ! La plupart se sont suicidées, d'autres sont mortes de faim et de soif !
- Mortes de faim et de ... comment est ce ... Vous n'êtes jamais revenu les voir ? Dès lors que vous aviez décidé que tout était terminé, vous les avez laisser mourrir de faim et de soif, sachant qu'elles ne quitteraient jamais cette pièce, trop appeurées parce qu'elles pourraient découvrir derrière ces portes ?

June était horrifiée, jamais, non jamais elle n'aurait pu imaginer une telle insensibilité et une telle cruauté chez le vampire. Bien qu'il semblait exhubérant et très axé sur sa propre personne, il avait malgré tout manifesté de l'affection pour elle, touché par sa détresse à plusieurs reprises, elle en était découvrir aujourd'hui qu'il pouvait à tout moment ignorer aussi froidement son existence la choquait. Elle en fut totalement abasourdie, elle qui pensait avoir désormais un peu d'importance à ses yeux. Ne lui avait il pas d'ailleurs dit lui même ?

- Que crois tu que je sois ? lui envoya-t-il séchement.

La jeune femme tenta de calmer l'état de confusion dans lequel elle se trouvait et pris sur elle pour réussir à dire quelques phrases de plus.

- Quand mon visage se fanera et que les premières rides souilleront ma peau, connaitrais-je le même sort ? M'abandonnerez-vous de la même manière ? Si votre sang peut effacer mes blessures, ne peut il pas aussi effacer les traces du temps ?

Elle n'eu aucune réponse. Le vampire quitta simplement la pièce sans ajouter un mot. Etait ce réellement la vieillesse qui avait poussé Ténébos a se séparer de ces compagnes humaines précédentes ou simplement la lassitude qu'il ressentait après avoir partagé des années à leur côté ? Etait elle différente des autres ou était ce juste de belles paroles rassurantes pour l'amadouer ?


Invitation to Halloween at the Tonner Company Store!

I have a really cool witch hat I am going to wear.

Hahahaha.....I'll get you my pretty and your little dollies too!

October 31, 2009 3-5PM

Tonner Company Store Halloween Costume Contest, Join all the ghouls and goblins at the Tonner Doll Company Store for candy, free giveaways, specials, and our 2009 Costume Contest! Free surprises to all who visit in costume; top prizes awarded for Most Original, Funny, Scary and Children’s Costume (under age 11). Contest Judging takes place at 4:30PM before you head out for Trick or Treating! We’ll have pumpkin carvings on display, special themed doll and action figure displays, and costumed characters to greet you, and of course, CANDY!!!


Bloggers and collectors are cracking up and cracking jokes over this delicacy of a Ken doll. One asks if Mattel has lost its fucking marbles. Actually I was wondering that same thing when I heard about the American Girl, Gwen, the $95 homeless doll. Yes, Mattel owns American Girl if you didn't know. After that, I'm not surprised that Mattel would put out a doll like this.

Palm Beach Sugar Daddy Ken @ $69.
Cool sophistication in breezy Palm Beach! Sporting a dashing jacquard-patterned jacket with a light pink polo shirt and crisp white pants, Ken doll is ready for Palm Beach social season, sunning by the pool and a stroll with his little companion. Fashion designed exclusively for the Silkstone Barbie doll body. Includes Ken doll, jacket, pink polo shirt, white shoes, dog with leash, swim trunks and accessories, doll stand and certificate of authenticity.

Mr. Palm Beach is part of the 2010 Silkstone collection which consists of three female dolls and Ken. Apparently even Silkies need someone to shop with.

{Sorry, the image is no longer available from the original source.}

Palm Beach Swimsuit Barbie @ $49

When the social season heats up Barbie cools down in sunny style. Warm hues of orange and gold compliment the rich tones of poolside Palm Beach! A perfect locale to flaunt a perfectly fashionable swim ensemble! Fashion designed exclusively for the Silkstone Barbie doll body. Includes Barbie doll, swim suit, cover-up, sunglasses, sandals, doll stand and certificate of authenticity.

Palm Beach Breeze Barbie @ $69.

Winter blues are never welcome in Palm Beach! But the perfect outfit for sharing warm greetings, cold drinks, and tall tales? A cool caftan, sparkling with sequins and worn with bold earrings! Fashion designed exclusively for the Silkstone® Barbie® doll body. Includes Barbie® doll, caftan, earrings, sandals, doll stand and Certificate of Authenticity.

Palm Beach Coral Barbie @ $139.99

The ultimate in beauty, sophistication and Palm Beach social style! Barbie doll is ready for an elegant evening out wearing a stunning gown designed with cascading coral branches delicately accented with vibrant beads and beautiful matching earrings. Fashion designed exclusively for the Silkstone Barbie doll body. Includes Barbie doll, gown, earrings, shoes, doll stand and certificate of authenticity.

I plan to get the Ken doll as he is truly unique. I love the doll and the fashion on the Coral Barbie but I won't pay $139.99 for a Silkstone doll. Does she walk and talk? Is she articulated?
The dolls are scheduled to be available starting in February 2010 for the Swimsuit version, March for Breeze, April for Sugar Daddy and May for Coral.
I predict that Sugar Daddy will be very, very popular.

W Club Exclusive Fashion Royalty Fashion Announced

To the delight of many collectors in the W Club, we have been offered a new fashion for the Fashion Royalty body. It's called Wrapped in Decadence. Apparently they had to call it something. I don't see decadence anywhere. I want this outfit in off white, too.

The outfit consists of a strapless dress, coat, jewelry and shoes. I love it. The dress is taffeta with a beaded bodice and an organza overlay on the skirt. The high waist and gathered bodice front are very attractive. The coat is covered in ribbon rosettes. It is to die for. The feathers on the shoes have to go bye-bye. But maybe that will look better in person. The jewelry is big and heavy which is a trend with Jason this season. I like it but perhaps not with this fashion.

The marketing ploy used in the announcement of the fashion irks me. It says that "the fashion retails for $80." Where is the fashion retailing? Nowhere. It's us. That's it.

Snowman For Sale

They're giving us a "special $15 fashion coupon" bringing the price down to $65. They should have said, "We'd really like to charge you $85. but we don't think you will buy it at that price so we're lowering the price to $65."
That would have been funny.

It's a good price. Look at what Dressmaker Details charges for their stuff and compare. This is a bargain! It's right in line with the quality and quantity of product given to attendees at the recent convention. More bang for the buck. I hope it keeps up this way.

What's up with the awkward looking poses on this doll? Are the shoes weird again with the heels too high? In each picture one of the doll's knees is bent. This is not a good sign. And the center photo with arms akimbo and toes pointed in....hmmmm....not great looking IMO. I wonder how the coat will look without it being either held open or held shut. I do think we're in for some surprises!

Miss Scarlett!

Just playing with Photoshop. Might as well maximize this subject. I'm well now and ready to head back to the grind. I have always wanted to work in a less stressful country -- New Zealand, Canada perhaps or maybe Austria (that's what you get from watching "Sound of Music" every summer as a child). Well, this is perhaps a last portrait before I head back to the office.

Lost Amnia, Text #07


La condition sine qua non pour que Junaled vive était qu'en aucun cas elle ne devrait croiser Arguès. Si cela devait arriver, la vie de la jeune femme prendrait aussitôt fin. Le vampire avait de plus en plus de mal à tolérer le rituel que son frère cadet leur imposait à répétition depuis des années, mais celui-ci s'était étrangement battu vigoureusement, plus qu'à l'accoutumée pour épargner celle-ci ; une fois de plus il avait donc fini par céder et accepter à contre coeur ce qu'il qualifiait d'intruse. Arguès méprisait les humains, il ne comprenait pas pourquoi son frère s'entêtait à vouloir les cotôyer à longueur de temps, ils étaient si pathétiques à ses yeux et Ténébos avait déjà Laudanum comme compagne, vénus d'une beauté sans pareil. Ce n'était pas nouveau, les deux hommes étaient de vrais opposés, l'un ne comprenant ni ne partageant les opinions de l'autre. Constantinople, entra sur la pointe des pieds et le rejoignit alors que le vampire était en pleine écriture d'une lettre. Elle se glissa avec allégresse entre la table et la chaise, sur ses genoux. Concentré, il continua malgré tout de rédiger son courrier tout en massant de son autre main les cuisses de sa compagne qui témoigna de l'impatience à son égard. Il posa sa plume, et lui lécha le cou et le menton avant de l'embrasser goulument. La sirène ronronnait presque sous les caresses de son amant.

Au même moment quelque part, dans une maison bourgeoise à quelques kilomètres de là, Calyte entra dans une pièce et découvrit son frère jumeau, Scytion, entre les cuisses d'une humaine, dont le corps ondulait sous les vas et viens frénétiques de l'incube. Envieuse, jalouse, elle chercha du regard une autre victime qui pourrait satisfaire son appétit sexuel et aperçut, terré de frayeur, dans un coin, un très jeune homme qui tentait d'étouffer, les mains sur ses oreilles, le bruit des halètements de plaisirs de sa mère. Elle s'approcha, la poitrine presque totalement dévêtue vers l'adolescent, l'invitant à la rejoindre.

Gorgophonée tendit une poupée à Dilloyse pour se joindre à elle. La goule, qui de manière générale disait toujours amen aux caprices de son amie et amante n'était cependant pas très enthousiasmée par cette idée. La sirène lui lança un regard insistant, et la goule cé toute façon Gorgophonée obtenait toujours gain de cause, à quoi bon lutter. Son corps était petit et menu comme le sien mais son visage évoquait plus celui d'une petite fille figée dans le temps que celui d'une jeune femme ; combiné à sa moue boudeuse et triste ; quasiment rien ne pouvait lui résister et la sirène en profitait grandement.

Laudanum coiffait sa chevelure de feu en fredonnant quelques vers pendant que Ténébos la contemplait avec ravissement.

UFDC Tonner "Return to Tara" Scarlett Repaint Part 2: Introspection

While doing this doll, my thoughts went to the doll's name "Return to Tara". Pondering on Scarlett's uncompromising love for land and home. "Land is all that matters, it's the only thing that lasts", Gerald 'O Hara tells his daughter. She would not realize his words until perhaps his demise.
In the Philippines just a few months ago, the land that mattered, on which homes of many stood were devastated by a major flood. Rains for days poured, unrelentingly. No one was spared. People went to their roofs bringing whatever food or clothing and valuables they could. There is no rich or poor in the eyes of  mother nature. Pets who were left tied died. Dogs, cats were seen hanging on trees and electric wires after the flood receded.  A young couple was killed locked behind closed glass doors of a fastfood restaurant, perhaps thinking that the waters would not rise that high. When I think of Scarlett, I am inspired by her spirit and her want to "do anything to bring Tara back to what it was." But what of the inner Tara inside of her, and beyond that inside us. Can we bring back the splendour of what we were back to what it was? Scarlett had her answer and perhaps we should too. Courage or gumption. Nothing should take our inner Tara away from us "while we got breath  left in our bodies". And so, we must conquer the world like Scarlett with her mother's curtains and roosters feathers on our head. This is why Gone with the Wind is immortal to me. Beyond the love story, beyond the beautiful gowns, it is about the iconic and legendary Scarlett O' Hara who will forever be conquer whatever fate brings her way.

This is how we create our own lives. There is no such thing as destiny. Destiny is whatever we make of our own fate.  Tomorrow is another day!

Stuff Expands to Fill Available Space

My darling son delivered a glass door Ikea cabinet. I put it together and somehow it was immediately full. How does this happen?

My Silkstones, once all on one shelf, can now be enjoyed without climbing on a ladder. The Tiny Kitty dolls, the oldest of my fashion doll collections, are now visible to the naked eye. They're in holiday red from last December. I couldn't see them anyway so what difference did it make? Poor neglected Cissette still stands on a bottom shelf. To see their faces you must get on your knees. It's a spiritual experience.
Monster sized Cissy dolls had their own shelf until some of the Silkies moved in. It was actually the Cissy's fault that I had to get this cabinet in the first place. Too big to fit anywhere else, they kept whispering, "If not now, when?" Hopeless.
Of course now that there are a few inches of space here and there, I'm making lists of what dolls to add. It never ends.


UFDC Tonner "Return to Tara" Scarlett Repaint

I've had fever the past few days. Must be the change of weather. What to do? What to do? One look at the Tonner "Return to Tara" doll -- it's time to "return" to repainting. It's been awhile. And I think I need more practice since I've been forgetting the steps. Well, here she is with rolls on her side and a pensive look -- must be the fever.

I was also able to scan a photo of a the scene where she wears the dress. A close shot of the hairstyle shows the bun to be much bigger at the back, whereas the doll has a bun that stops chin-length. I would think it was a hair attachment that Vivien wore during the scene. She had so many hairstyles there, it must have been torture on her hair. In real life, Vivien Leigh had curly shoulder length hair, so I surmise that there must have been a lot of hair extensions and attachments during the filming.

This doll still needs some finishing touches -- or retouches if I find something else that needs to be improved (from how I see it).

To all those posting comments. I've been a hard time replying, sometimes my comments get posted, most of the time, they don't but I do really, really appreciate your comments. Thank you for joining me in this journey into Gone with the Wind.

Mattel's "Ladies of the 80's" Dolls and Philipp Plein Barbie

Maddie's Dolls has just posted the Ladies of the '80's collection of dolls from Mattel. Prices have not yet been determined.
If these dolls were articulated, or pivotal as Mattel calls them, I might actually be interested. Their facial screening is interesting.

Cyndi Lauper Barbie Doll

The fashions are adorable. This is Cyndi Lauper:

Here is the Joan Jett doll. She's a may be a bit too much like a Hard Rock Cafe´ doll.

My favorite is the Debbie Harry doll.
I like her hair and outfit. I don't know if the microphone is included with this doll.

When will Mattel get with the program and provide pivotal bodies on all the new silver, gold and black series dolls that are to come? Too many are still buying dolls and keeping them in boxes. Why would you need an articulated doll if you aren't going to play with it? If more Barbie collectors allowed themselves the pleasure of deboxing, the hue and cry for articulation would be heard.


At the Philipp Plein Rocks Barbie party during Milan Fashion Week (2/2009), a model dressed as Rocks Barbie is photographed:

A model dressed as Rocks Barbie attends the Philipp Plein Rocks Barbie party during Milan Fashion Week Womenswear Autumn/Winter 2009 on February 27, 2009 in Milan, Italy.
Image property of Vittorio Zunino Celotto/Getty Images Europe

An exclusive Philipp Plein Barbie will be available as a 500 piece limited edition.

See more beautiful images taken during a Barbie photo shoot at the Philipp Plein website.

Did I hear $385. or is that a joke?


Some nights, I dream she becomes real.
Certaines nuits, je rêve qu'elle devienne réelle.

OOPS! Return to Tara (correction)

Some honest mistake in reporting. Here is a message in the yahoo group that shows what the original "Return to Tara" afternoon dress was really made of. Thank you Nikki. The previous post of Helen pertains to a dress that Scarlett wears in the last scene of GWTW, a scene which was never shown on screen.

Re: [ScarlettOharaVinylPortrait] "Return to Tara"

Hi Helen~
This is a wonderful book to have... and can be rare to find.
Many descriptions are a bit off tho, but all in all a great reference.

This "return to Tara" dress you have listed is the one she wears in the very last scene of the film which we cannot see.
The "Rhett's Promise" dress is listed as "Return to Tara Afternoon Dress", listed on p. 209.
It says it was made of off white faille with green faille trim.

It is was indeed faille, then it was made like the honeymoon/shopping spree dress.
From the photos I have I just cannoot tell.  Perhaps faille with a sheer overlay?

Erratum: I mentioned in the previous post that the Vanity Mirror set and the miniature GWTW book was supposedly made by Tonner. Marcia, NJ of Prego wrote me in Prego and gave me the following information.  Thank you Marcia for this information! = )
FYI - the book and vanity set were not made by Tonner for the doll. They were table gifts provided by the host club of the UFDC event, MetroDolls. The book was made by Laura's Little Loot and the vanity set was made by Facets by Marcia (me). I didn't base the vanity set on anything particular to Scarlet - MetroDolls just thought it went with the general period theme.

Picture of the Week Award ~ October 25, 2009

This doll looks as if he's breathing! I knew immediately that I would have to feature this image on the blog.
The artist is Jennifer Sutherland. I asked her to write a little about her process. Here is her reply:

He originally was a Super Hero Aquaman doll by Tonner. For him I knew I wanted him as a pirate.. The super hero bodies are great for this as I have come to find out! (: I do not sketch the faces on my dolls first but I do sketch the tattoos if they are complicated. For his hair and his tattoos it took be about 12 hours.. For his repaint, about 5 hours.... That's not including any of the details that finish him off such as his rings or shading of his chest afterwards. (: I think my very favorite characters to create are pirates, gypsies, rogues.. etc....You know, characters that are perfect for romance novels! (: They have always been my most enjoyable creations.. Especially pirates and rogues.. They come to life so easily through the decorations and tattoos.. And even things as simple as their facial hair! (: Overall.. My most favorite creations are the male repaints!

You will enjoy browsing through Jenny's website. Click here.

Congratulations, Jenny, on the Picture of the Week Award!

Fresh from the box: UFDC Convention Doll - Tonner Scarlett "Return to Tara"

Fresh from the box. With plastic still on her hands. Here she is with and without her bolero-type jacket

If asked why I ordered for this doll, I guess you could call it "impulse". I've been tracking some Franklin Mint GWTW dresses -- the rarer ones, and just end up frustrated because I have to dive into bidding with the rest of humanity for them. I think it's also a need to escape (haha) from work and from the stress that made me get this dress. Beyond that, I love Civil War dresses. And this one is a good example of one using Margaret Mitchell's favorite color: green. This doll doesn't come with the usual Tonner hoop skirt, instead a cloud of tulle and a white underskirt. The doll comes with white pumps, stockings and earrings (I assume they're supposed to simulate emeralds). The buttons on the bodice are sewn beads similar to the earrings). 

The white pumps and earrings. The zigzag pattern and stripes all in perfect symmetry. 

Tonner's Return to Tara doll can either be a frustration or a work on positivizing (coined) what you have. I was dismayed by the organza but the cut and the fit of the dress is wonderful on the doll. The zigzagging pattern is something to behold too. There is also a jacket the tassels of which do not fall gently on the doll's shoulders as the real dress does (sigh). The green is faithful to the film dress, however I am not too keen on the ribbon-y type of material used. It's too shiny, reminding me of ribbons used for gifts. Nevertheless, over-all, it is a GWTW dress and something which I think is faithful to Civil War dressing.  The hairstyle is faithful to the film and with a little tug here and there, one can ease the tightness of the style, loosen it a bit, and make it a little becoming to the face of the doll -- tug I did, until at least I could see Vivien Leigh there -- somehow. It is a complicated hairstyle and I must commend Tonner hairstylist -- with this at least -- for able to simulate the hairstyle that Vivien wore in the film and a civil war hairstyle that can fit any of the clothing I've found for the doll. The hairstyle is amazing actually and I can only imagine how long it took to perfect such a tight style such as this. Over-all 2 rolls are found on each side. So when the doll faces front the rolls frame the face IMHO, beautifully. 

The hairstyle: Looking at it, I can only surmise how difficult a job it was to make this one. 

It is strange that the values added to the doll are nowhere near what we see on screen: A silver comb and mirror with a powder case, powder puff topped with a white rose and ribbon; a miniature GWTW book (capturing the cover of its initial release). I thought the book would have the text in it. No, only the cover and the opening page -- fine by me. 

The miniature GWTW book (in proportion to doll size) has the opening text of GWTW written on the back and front cover pages. It also comes with a title page.
 I think it was a charming addition. 

The accesories: Silver comb, hand mirror and silver powder case with powder puff adorned with rose and ribbon. 

I think she's wondering if she needs a repaint. I think she's pretty as she is -- this one. At least good enough for anyone to "return to Tara".

In the "yahoo groups" where I find so much information, Scarlett Vinyl Yahoo Group, one member (thank you Helen) found information on material of the actual dress. Here is her message 

Hi Boots,

Don't mean to butt in but this is from my book "Gone with the Wind on Film A

Complete Reference" by Cynthia Marylee Molt. I hope it helps your dilemma.

Scarlett #58: "Return to Tara"- #2 Dress: Fitted, except for semi-full skirt.
Medium green muslin. Fitted bodice with self- fabric buttons and loops that go
to the waist. Sweetheart neckline is edged at the top of the bosom with heavy
white cotton eyelet. Sleeves are semi fitted with large, rolled back cuffs.
Hair: parted in the middle. Falls at the back in sausage curls. Accessories:
Hat-Same as Scarlett, #21. Ring - wears the ring worn with changes Scarlett,
#39 - #56. Scenes: Return to Tara - #2. Facts: Since green happened to be
Margaret Mitchell's favorite color, the final return to Tara dress was
fashioned in this hue and shown only in silhouette. It is also an adaption of
the medium green original barbecue dress used in tests.

The thing I don't like about this book is it's reaaly not too clear on some
subjects and no pictures.


Do I intend to repaint her? Perhaps. I'll think about that tomorrow. 

After all, tomorrow is another day.
But here's a first, I couldn't help but photoshop the doll's face. It's a guide for a repaint. 

Dance, my love.

Orgasmic succubus

Please, remember this blog is reserved to an adult audience. Thank you
Merci de me souvenir que ce blog est destiné à un public adulte.

Mattel's Pop Life™ Ken® Doll - Gone in the blink of an eye.

At 9:00 AM Pacific Time on October 21, Pop Life Ken by Bill Greening went on sale on the Barbie Collector website. This is a Platinum Label Collection doll which means "sequentially numbered editions of less than 1,000 worldwide, available at select retailers." It took just 11 minutes for the doll to sell out and by that time he was already being sold on eBay. Not surprising at all. The order process took me only 4.5 minutes but it felt like forever. The pages moved so slowly due to the traffic on the board. I think I was holding my breath the entire time.

The retail price was $74.95. The fourth quarter coupon was $30 bringing the price down to $44.95 for me. Shipping was only $1. Not bad for a Platinum.

Photobucket Magic!

I love this picture that was posted on the W Club board yesterday. It is the convention mini Avantguard wearing an MFD Kio wig. I assumed it was done in Photoshop. Karon told me that she did it with Photobucket tools. Impressive! Below is a picture of the doll from that photoshoot.
It's fortunate for us that Karon was dissatisfied with the original picture.

Photos property of Karon Montague, Virginia.